• Research

Physics and chemistry: at the heart of major scientific and environmental challenges

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From the infinitely large to the infinitely small, from environmental transitions to quantum revolutions, the Department of Material and light sciences at the University of Bordeaux combines interdisciplinarity, innovation and international collaboration. An interview with its directors Jean-Baptiste Verlhac, a chemist, and Jérôme Cayssol, a physicist.

Photo : Jean-Baptiste Verlhac and Jérôme Cayssol (right), heads of the Material and light sciences research department © Gautier Dufau
Jean-Baptiste Verlhac and Jérôme Cayssol (right), heads of the Material and light sciences research department © Gautier Dufau

Schrödinger's cat, neutrinos, quarks, lasers, atoms and molecules, stars and the universe - these are all complex concepts to grasp. And yet, these concepts come from two subjects studied from secondary school onwards, with varying degrees of success and interest, and which have since been brought together to form a virtually indissociable entity: physics and chemistry.
Jean-Baptiste Verlhac, professor of chemistry at the Institute of molecular sciences (ISM)1 and Jérôme Cayssol, professor of physics at the Wave and matter laboratory of Aquitaine (LOMA)2, agree that the university's research department devoted to these disciplines could simply have been called "physics and chemistry". They are respectively director and deputy director of this department, which brings together 11 research units (in French) and a community of over 800 people. Material and light sciences was chosen instead. "Physics is the study of natural phenomena in a general way, whereas chemistry is devoted to the study of matter, its transformations and the interactions between its constituents," explains the department director. The department's two main themes are material and light, hence its name," continues Jérôme Cayssol. The two are, of course, closely linked. Light plays a key role in probing matter: this is the principle of spectroscopy, and certain materials make it possible to manipulate and shape light.

Where matter meets light

Thanks to very powerful lasers producing so-called "extreme" light, it is even possible to explore so-called exotic states of matter. In biology, light also has applications, particularly in microscopy for observing living organisms. Physicists and chemists have pushed back the limits in terms of dimensions. They explore both the very large structures of the universe and the much smaller structures on the scale of the atom, or even the subatomic, i.e. the particles that make up the atom or interact with it.
"I'm always impressed by the way we can manipulate light to probe molecular chiral objects, i.e. structures that exist in two forms that mirror each other, like our right and left hands, and that play a key role in fields as varied as chemistry, materials and biology", explains Jean-Baptiste Verlhac, who is quick to emphasise the “essentially interdisciplinary” nature of his department. "It interacts largely with other research departments at the university, notably Health sciences and technologies and Biological and medical sciences, which focus on life sciences, as well as Engineering and digital sciences. The rise of artificial intelligence is of great interest to the scientists in our department, whether for applications in astrophysics, data processing or the chemistry of materials and processes."

Environmental transitions: an essential contribution

Another notable advance that scientists are working on is the quantum field. This branch of physics studies the behaviour of particles on infinitely small scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. "In the 1930s, the first quantum revolution made it possible to explain the structure of matter and led to the development of transistors and lasers," explains Jérôme Cayssol. "Today, we're in the second revolution, with quantum physics on the rise both nationally and worldwide, and we have teams working on the theory as well as on more experimental aspects". This revolution is based on quantum properties - such as superposition and entanglement - and aims to develop innovative technologies such as quantum computers, quantum communications and ultra-sensitive detectors.

Environmental transitions are another area that has influenced the department's research over the last ten years or so. "You might think that we are not involved in these issues," says Jean-Baptiste Verlhac, "but on the contrary, they are quite prominent today. Within the department, there is a major Post-Petroleum Materials (PPM) research programme dedicated to this area, with a team working on life cycle analysis to assess the environmental footprint of new processes and materials." Physics and chemistry sometimes suffer from a negative image among the general public, admit the two lecturers. The term "chemical" is often associated with what is "unnatural", and the nuclear issue remains sensitive. They also deplore the lack of interest in studying these disciplines, not least because of competition from engineering schools. Yet these sciences play a key role in resolving environmental issues, they explain. Whether we are talking about developing processes that consume less energy, improving the recycling of materials, creating new bio-sourced materials that avoid the use of fossil fuels, discovering new sources of energy (such as nuclear fusion or photovoltaics, for example) or optimising energy storage (batteries, hydrogen, supercapacitors), they are opening the way to sustainable solutions that are a source of innovation.

From innovation to big science

The department's vitality is also illustrated in the fields of transfer and valorisation. Several units have distinguished themselves by filing numerous patents and creating start-ups to exploit the cutting-edge technologies resulting from their research, whether in life imaging or vectorisation (to deliver substances such as a drug to a specific target in the body). Some units are even co-supervised by companies such as Safran and Syensqo.

At the same time, other teams are strengthening their international reputation by getting involved in big science collaborations. "These are global projects that individual institutions or countries would not be able to fund on their own, such as neutrino detectors, particle accelerators, telescopes and observation satellites, etc." explains Jérôme Cayssol. In the laboratories, devices are designed from scratch, whether they be components for probes or satellites, cameras, or equipment for large scientific instruments. This aspect gives the Bordeaux campus a unique character, he continues.
These many facets, combining interdisciplinarity, technological innovation and international outlook, reflect the momentum of the Material and light sciences department. The department leads two of the university's Major Research Programmes (GPR): PPM, already mentioned, and LIGHT, devoted to the study of light in all its forms. It is also responsible for two Impulsion Research Networks (RRI): Origins, which explores the origin of life and the evolution of the Earth's climates, and Frontiers of Life, which focuses on ambitious challenges such as the creation of artificial cells in 20 to 30 years' time. This research underlines the extent to which physics and chemistry remain at the heart of major contemporary issues.

1Bordeaux INP, CNRS and University of Bordeaux unit
2CNRS and University of Bordeaux unit


  • Delphine Charles

    Scientific Communication Officer


  • Daniel da Rocha

    Scientific Animation Officer - Material and light sciences department


  • Material and light sciences

    This department brings together experts in chemistry and physics in order to respond to fundamental scientific challenges and drive the innovations of the future in the fields of photonics, energy, the environment, transport, sustainable development, health, life sciences and sciences of the universe.