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Updated on: 03/03/2025
The University of Bordeaux is actively involved in the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union's funding programme for training, education, youth and sport, which, in addition to supporting cooperation between lecturer-researchers from different countries, contributes to educational innovation and academic excellence.
The Erasmus+ programme offers mobility opportunities to students as well as staff, and also provides funding for cooperation projects between institutions.
The University of Bordeaux's international ambition in terms of international cooperation is recognised by partners worldwide, and in recent years many projects have been developed thanks to European funding.
ENLIGHT, the European university alliance, of which the University of Bordeaux is co-coordinator, provides a new incentive to continue the development of internationalisation, and offers real opportunities for creating new international partnerships.
The Erasmus+ programme is one of the tools serving that strategy. It provides support for transnational collaborative projects, through calls for projects published on a yearly basis with the following objectives:
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degrees are integrated study programmes implemented by a consortium of at least 3 higher education institutions, at least 2 of which are from 2 programme countries. They aim to enhance the attractiveness of European higher education and the employability of students by supporting high quality training. Erasmus Mundus Design Measures are preparatory actions designed to support applicants in building a joint Master project.
Cooperation partnerships enable European institutions to work together to improve their practices, to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative educational methods, the creation of teaching tools, or the development of transnational networks.
Alliances for innovation aim to strengthen Europe's capacity for innovation by stimulating innovation through cooperation and the flow of knowledge between higher education and research, vocational training and the general socio-economic environment.
The capacity building in higher education action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
The Jean Monnet programme's priority is the study of Europe as a whole throughout the world. The aim of European studies is to promote active European citizenship and values, to address the role of the European Union in the world, and to improve knowledge about the European Union. There are three types of Jean Monnet actions: modules, chairs and centres of excellence.
POCTEFA (Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra) is a European cross-border cooperation programme created to promote the sustainable development of the border territory of Spain, France and Andorra.
The aim of the ‘Employability with imPACT’ EmPACTi3 project is to bring together students, lecturers from the Universidad del País Vasco and the University of Bordeaux, and public and private stakeholders to enhance the skills of future professionals in the face of the transition challenges in the New Aquitaine-Euskadi cross-border region. Three areas will be addressed using the CBE-Challenge Based Education method: ocean health and plastic pollution, marine renewable energies and circular economy.
The project will involve 80 collaborative actions, including a period of mobility between students and cross-border entities.
Total project budget: 691,328 €. ERDF budget: 449,362.60 €.
The EmPACT i3 project has been 65% co-financed by the European Union as part of the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra programme (POCTEFA 2021-2027).
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degrees
Erasmus Mundus Design Measures
cooperation projects
alliance for innovation
capacity building project
Jean Monnet centre of excellence
Interreg POCTEFA
Active participation in the Erasmus+ programme allows the University of Bordeaux to pursue its internationalisation strategy and offer ever more opportunities to its teams and students.
Within the International Office, the project department assists teams in identifying calls for projects and in submitting applications, by providing its expertise and targeted tools that play a role in project success.