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Updated on: 11/09/2023
The department brings together Bordeaux research units that focus on meeting key environmental, scientific and societal challenges of the future. Research activities cover a broad spectrum of environmental sciences and are conducted on several scales with an integrated approach to the living world, from genomes to ecosystems, including plant, animal and microbial organisms across various spatial and temporal scales (from the paleoenvironment to current or even future environments), and takes into account interactions between agrosystems, hydrosystems, ecosystems, geosystems and social systems.
In order to answer key questions in this field, the multidisciplinary community of the Environmental sciences department uses the full range of scientific and technological knowledge from all the disciplines (biogeochemistry, biology, chemistry, ecology, ecotoxicology, geology, oenology, physiology, physics, modelling, economics, sociology, etc, etc.) usually involved in this type of research work.
Jörg Schäfer
Director, University of Bordeaux professor (Oceanic and Continental Environments and Paleoenvironments Laboratory - EPOC)
Valérie Schurdi-Levraud
Assistant Director, University of Bordeaux professor (Fruit Biology and Pathology Laboratory - BFP)
Eric Gomès
Assistant Director, University of Bordeaux professor (Ecophysiology and Grape Functional Genomics - EGFV)
Find the Department's themes and teams on The hub, the collaborative platform supported by the University of Bordeaux
Scientific Outreach Coordinator
The research activities of the Environmental sciences department are broken down into three areas:
A Major Research Programme certified in the spring of 2021 is coordinated by this department:
The department is also associated with another GPR:
The department also coordinates an Impulsion Research Network (RRI):
joint research units
4 research units, 2 hosting teams, 1 joint service unit
research teams
academic staff
& 360 doctoral and post-doctoral students
doctoral schools
Environmental sciences, Life and health sciences, Chemical sciences
Unités en rattachement principal
Unités associées
Le conseil du département est composé de 15 membres, dont 8 enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs, 3 personnels BIATSS/ITA et 3 doctorants et post-doctorants nommés dans les 6 unités de recherche en rattachement principal au département, ainsi que d’une personnalité extérieure.
Le comité est composé des directeurs des 14 unités de recherche du département, du directeur de l’ISVV et du directeur de l’OASU.
Le conseil scientifique du Département est composé de 3 experts nationaux et internationaux (1 expert par axe thématique du département).
Anthropization, biodiversity, predictive biology, global change, conflicts, conservation, contamination, societal demand, development, sustainability, ecosystems, ecological status, operations, geoscience, adaptive management, coastal hydrodynamics, hydrogeology, inequalities, geological engineering, interdependencies, biotic interactions, interdependencies, fluid mechanics, plant metabolism, modelling, morphodynamics, paleoclimatology, pollution, product quality, resilience, restoration, natural hazards, sedimentology, ecosystem services, stratigraphy, biotic and abiotic stresses, structuring, remote sensing, ecotoxicity, viability.