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Updated on: 19/02/2024
The Law and social transformations department aims to organise and drive research in law and political science in Bordeaux.
The department’s positioning is both thematic and disciplinary.
Thematically speaking, the department is built on the observation that the many and varied social developments currently occurring require us to rethink our legal and political models. As a result, a general scientific approach allowing for better support and understanding of these social transformations needs to be implemented.
On a disciplinary level, the Law and Social Transformations department includes all dimensions of research in law, legal history and political science (public, private, internal, international and European, comparative). Researchers can therefore mobilise the entire disciplinary field in order to capture all the normative manifestations of social transformations and enhance the value of legal and political methods.
Olivier Décima
Director (Professor of private law and criminal sciences - Institute of Criminal Sciences and Justice - ISCJ)
Alain Pariente
Assistant Director (Lecturer in public law - Léon-Duguit Institute)
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Administrative & Finance Manager
Departmental Administrative Assistant
Communications & Scientific Outreach Coordinator
The Law and social transformations department has two areas of focus:
The department is associated with one Major Research Programme (GPR) and 2 Impulsion Research Networks (RRI):
7 research units & 1 joint research unit
lecturer-researchers & researchers
doctoral students
Ce département est composé de 8 unités en rattachement principal.
Il est composé de 28 membres, dont 16 enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs, 4 personnels BIATSS/ITA, 8 doctorants et post-doctorants et 1 personnalité extérieure.
Il est composé des huit directeurs d’unité et de la direction du département.
Clinique du Droit
Law, privacy, personal data, GDPR, health, fight against cybercrime, judicial and police cooperation, protection of information and data systems, normative algorithms, predictive justice, changes in work and employment, changing to a paper-free trade system, creative law, European construction, globalisation, competition between common law and civil law, migration, transformation of crime, new methods of dispute settlement, institutional evolution, defence, governmental reform, transformation of ideas and political regimes, transformation of the social State, vulnerability, evolution of the family, repression of domestic violence, fight against discrimination, harassment, forms of solidarity.