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Updated on: 04/02/2025
Doctoral students are junior researchers and future scientific experts. Their research work requires an approach guided by interaction, curiosity, methodological riguour and in-depth fieldwork.
A Doctorate is the highest-ranking university degree and allows students to acquire recognised scientific expertise. The University of Bordeaux doctoral programmes open up international perspectives and a wide range of professional opportunities.
The Graduate Research School makes up the centre of excellence in the field of training in research. Junior researchers can acquire professional experience in a research unit.
In a context of globalisation and exchange, the Doctorate's international perspectives are a top priority for the University of Bordeaux.
The Graduate Research School coordinates the whole doctoral field and provides support to the university's 2,000 doctoral students to foster the conditions for an optimal career path, both nationally and internationally: registration, thesis defence, training and professional experience, international programmes, scientific outreach, promotion and development, etc.
Visit the Graduate Research School website
research specialities
doctoral students enrolled each year
doctoral schools
thesis defences per year
Graduate Programs
cotutelle doctoral programs per year
Above and beyond the wide range of research projects coordinated by the university, the objective is to maintain high-quality science. During a PhD, a variety of useful skills can be acquired for a graduate's future career. Through research work, doctoral students contribute to our academic reputation; they are ambassadors for the University of Bordeaux.
To enrol in a doctoral programme, you must hold a Master degree obtained in France or another degree conferring a Master degree equivalent. In addition to those degree prerequisites, you must meet the Graduate Research School's conditions for admission. The selection procedures are carried out by the doctoral schools: you will need to contact the school specialising in your field to enrol.
Registration for the recruitment campaign must be done via the ADUM portal.
View the doctoral positions currently available (in French)
Article 11 of the Decree of 25 May 2016
Learn more (in french)