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An international university rugby tournament at the University of Bordeaux

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The university is proud to have hosted the international university rugby tournament (WURIT) from September 21st to 28th 2023, bringing together teams from the largest universities in the northern and southern hemispheres. The Bordeaux women's team won the tournament by beating New Zealand in the final, while the Bordeaux men's team finished 2nd after losing to the South African team from Cape Town.

Photo : The University of Bordeaux women's team celebrates their victory © University of Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux women's team celebrates their victory © University of Bordeaux

The World University Rugby Invitational Tournament (WURIT) is organised every four years in the country hosting the Rugby World Cup. WURIT Bordeaux 2023 followed two previous editions: University of Oxford in England in 2015 and Waseda University in Japan in 2019.

The tournament took place on the Rocquencourt Campus where a real WURIT village offered numerous meetings and activities alongside the matches.

Bordeaux women's team won the tournament, beating New Zealand in the final. On the men's side, the South African team from Cape Town won the tournament for the third time, beating the Bordeaux team.

The competing teams

Men's teams

  • New Zealand Universities (New Zealand)
  • University of Bordeaux (France)
  • University of British Columbia (Canada)
  • University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • University of Sydney (Australia)
  • National Colegiate Rugby (USA)

Women's teams

  • New Zealand Universities (New Zealand)
  • Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
  • University of Bordeaux (France)
  • University of Pretoria (South Africa)
  • Universidad de Mexico (Mexico)
  • University of Mauritius (Mauritius)
University of Bordeaux men's team © University of Bordeaux
University of Bordeaux men's team © University of Bordeaux
University of Bordeaux women's team © University of Bordeaux
University of Bordeaux women's team © University of Bordeaux
Olivier Pujolar, Vice-President for partnerships, and Cloé Da Costa, captain of the women's team, present the official Bordeaux team jersey © Université de Bordeaux
Olivier Pujolar, Vice-President for partnerships, and Cloé Da Costa, captain of the women's team, present the official Bordeaux team jersey © Université de Bordeaux

A women's competition is organised for the first time in Bordeaux!
