Study abroad

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Counting hundreds of partner institutions around the world, the University of Bordeaux offers its students numerous opportunities to complete part of their studies abroad. You can apply for one of the mobility programmes or one of our international courses.

Photo : Students on a mobility programme © Gautier Dufau
Students on a mobility programme © Gautier Dufau

Exchange programmes

Erasmus+ European destinations

Who? Students enrolled at the University of Bordeaux who have completed one academic year at university.

Where? European institutions with which the university has an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement.

How long? From 3 to 12 months

Learn more (in French)
Erasmus+ student charter (in French)

Following Brexit, mobility programmes to the United Kingdom are no longer eligible for Erasmus-funded scholarships. You can still apply for other scholarships via the portal.

Destinations outside Erasmus+ (including the United Kingdom and Switzerland)

Who? Any students who have already completed one academic year at university, regardless of nationality. This mobility programme excludes students in health fields (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry).

Where? A foreign institution with which the University of Bordeaux has signed an exchange and cooperation agreement.

How long? 1 or 2 semesters in general (variable depending on the agreement signed).


Specific programmes

  • California exchange programme

Who? Students who have completed one academic year at university in the field chosen for the mobility programme. Students must have a very good level of English, an average above 12/20 in their first year and specific mobility project. This mobility programme excludes students in health fields (medicine, pharmacy and dentistry).

Where? One of the 9 University of California campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara or Santa Cruz).

How long? 1 year or 1 semester; summer sessions (6-8 weeks)

Learn more (in French)

How to apply

Step 1: prepare your mobility project

1.  Consult the websites of universities (in French) that interest you to check your eligibility (level of study, language requirements, etc.)

2. Attend information meetings organised by the International Office and the mobility coordinators

3. Contact the mobility coordinator in your field to discuss your mobility project 

Step 2: complete the application

Complete the online application (in French) after ranking the universities in order of preference (no more than 3 regardless of the country) and submit it before the deadline with the following documents:

  • one photo (ID card size) to be glued to the first page of the form
  • a copy of your valid passport for any destination outside of Europe and the United Kingdom or ID card for any destination in Europe
  • learning agreement completed and signed by the coordinator for each university chosen
  • cover letter in French for the selection process by the University of Bordeaux
  • a copy of all your official transcripts since 1st year at university
  • provisional budget (in French) drawn up for each different city requested
  • an official proof of level in the language of instruction at the institution selected (for each language other than French). Please note, it is each student's responsibility to check what level of language is required by the partner universities and what supporting documents are required.


All applications received after the deadline or incomplete will not be processed.
Keep a copy of your application.



  • 20th September (semester departure): for all programmes, subject to availability of destinations 
  • 30th January (year or semester departure): for international mobility programmes other than Erasmus+
  • 1st March (year or semester departure): for Erasmus+ mobility programmes

Where to study

View the interactive map of all our partner universities!

MoveON (in French)

  • Venice International University (VIU)

    The University of Bordeaux became a member of VIU in 2015, joining the 15 member institutions that participate in this innovative and ambitious university project. VIU is located on the island of San Servolo, and through its members, it offers cross-disciplinary training programmes addressing today's societal challenges: sustainable development, climate change, ageing, ethics, cultural heritage, etc.

Joint degrees

Agreements signed with universities abroad allow University of Bordeaux students to follow courses of study leading to a degree awarded jointly by all the partner institutions.

Get support for mobility programmes

Here's the procedure to follow:

Step 1: complete and submit the online form corresponding to the academic year of your enrolment at the University of Bordeaux.

Step 2: send a confirmation e-mail to your Mobility Office (See contact details below).

Step 3: visit the Aquimob platform to find out about financial aid for mobility programmes and submit your application online.


Contact n°1: Outgoing Mobility Offices

The Mobility Offices is at your disposal before, during and after your study abroad programme. It informs you and helps you prepare your applications for mobility and financial aid.

It is also in contact with your host institution.  

Outgoing Mobility Offices

  • Health sciences, human sciences, education, sports

    Carreire and Victoire campus
    146 rue Léo Saignat, bldg AD (Ground Floor)
    Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs: 9 am-12:30 pm / 2-5 pm // Fri: closed

    +33 (0)5 57 57 13 01 / 45 04

  • Law, political science, economics, management, Institute of Technology

    Montesquieu campus
    16 avenue Léon Duguit , Offices B14 & B15 (main lobby)
    Tues & Fri: 9:30 am-12 noon // Wed & Thurs: 1:45-4:30 pm

    +33 (0)5 56 84 29 39 / 86 39

  • Science and technology, biology, Institute of Vine & Wine Science, Institute of Technology

    Peixotto campus
    351 cours de la Libération, bldg. A37
    Mon - Thurs: 9 am-1 pm / 2-5 pm // Fri: 9 am-1 pm / 2-4:30 pm

    +33 (0)5 40 00 83 33 / 69 50

Contact n°2: mobility coordinators

Mobility coordinators are the teachers who provide academic support to students going abroad. They validate the applications.

Your mobility coordinator is a representative from your training component and must be contacted as soon as you begin making plans to study abroad, at the same time as the outgoing mobility office.

Depending on your plans, your coordinator will help you finalise the choice of classes to be taken at the partner university. During your mobility period, your coordinator is the one who validates any changes. Upon return, your coordinator is responsible for making sure that the marks you received at the host university are transferred to the University of Bordeaux. 

List of coordinators (in French)

Last update:


Getting ready for your mobility programme: a few tips

To make your stay abroad successful, you need to prepare carefully. Financial aid, administrative documents, health coverage, residence permit, etc.

Plan your stay abroad

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

The ECTS ensures transparency and facilitates comparison of study programmes for all students, local or international. It permits academic recognition for periods of study completed away from the home university. It is used in the majority of European countries, but not necessarily elsewhere (for example, in North America). In these specific cases, equivalencies are discussed beforehand with the partner institutions and specified in the cooperation agreements signed.

Learning agreement

This agreement provides the details of the courses taken at the host institution and must be signed by both the home institution and the host institution. The document guarantees that any results obtained abroad will be valid upon the student’s return to the University of Bordeaux, provided that the results (pass/fail) achieved while abroad are adequate and after receipt of the student's transcript of marks.

I wanted to add an international dimension to my studies. It's an undeniable advantage in the business world and it's also an opportunity to discover another country! I think the experience changed me and has had a positive impact on my life. It made me aware of my values and beliefs and I've never felt more self-confident. I strongly encourage students to go abroad if they can; it's an incredible experience that will help them build a professional career!

Amandine Jala, marketing student at IAE, on a business administration exchange programme at University of California - Berkeley