Internships abroad

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Whatever the field of study, the University of Bordeaux encourages its students to carry out internships abroad. The Mobility Offices can provide all kinds of help with internship projects.

Photo : The University works in cooperation with over 500 institutions worldwide to give students access to mobility abroad © université de Bordeaux
The University works in cooperation with over 500 institutions worldwide to give students access to mobility abroad © université de Bordeaux

Internships abroad: step by step

Step 1: find an internship

You can send an unsolicited application, contact the person in charge of your programme, consult websites and platforms posting internship opportunities and apply...

Check out the internship offers on this European platform:

Step 2: contact your supervisor

Contact your internship supervisor to draw up your internship agreement (available on your digital work environment):

Step 3: apply for financial support

For all financial support requests, check the eligibility requirements and the application procedures for the different grants, complete the online form (in French) ("Moveon" file) and submit to your Mobility Office. 

Learn more

Security-related information

Before leaving for your destination abroad, you must first check the University of Bordeaux's country risk classification.

If your destination is located in an orange or red zone on the list of country risk classifications (in French), you must submit a request for authorisation (in French) to the Defence Security Officer (FSD). The request must be presented at least 2 weeks before departure for a red zone and at least 3 weeks before departure for a red zone.


In the context of war and high tension generated by the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has "strongly recommended that French nationals visiting Russia (tourists, visitors, students, professionals on business) make arrangements to leave the country without delay" and "postpone all travel to Russia".

The French government has requested the repatriation of students in these countries to postpone any planned departure. Consequently, all applications for internships in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus are suspended until further notice.

Furthermore, internships to countries bordering the war zone (Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia) are not recommended unless there is a compelling reason to do so and are subject to a specific request for authorisation and ruling by the Defence Security Officer.

Due to a series of arbitrary detentions in recent months, all student mobility from France to Iran has been suspended until further notice.

Internships in the United Kingdom

Since 1st January 2021, the United Kingdom has applied a new immigration regime which does not include any status for students who wish to carry out a contractual internship in the UK. French authorities are currently taking steps to have the status of higher education interns/trainees recognised by the British authorities.

In the meantime, if you would like to do an internship in the UK, your visa application may be blocked by the British authorities.

EU4EU internships

The France EU4EU project (in French) is aimed at increasing student employability and maximising job opportunities by strengthening the link with companies and encouraging interdisciplinary internships. EU4EU internships are mainly focused on EU-related projects (management of EU-funded projects, European funds, etc.) but are interdisciplinary (European affairs, political science, economics and marketing, communication, etc.), and can deal with all fields of study.

The internship must be part of the applicant's course curriculum and must last from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6 consecutive months, and be done during the period indicated in the call for applications. 

The EU4EU project gives applicants access to a database of host organisations (approx. 500), and Erasmus+ grants for internships in programme member countries (420€ to 520€/month depending on the country of destination).

International mobility offices

  • Pessac campus

  • Carreire campus

  • Talence campus

Unpaid internships in Quebec

If you are a French national, download the specific SE401Q 104 form (in French), and have it signed by your internship supervisor.

You can also call 3646 to make an appointment with the CPAM closest to your place of residence in order to leave with the SE401Q 104 form validated by the front desk clerk.

Summer internships in medicine

As a DFASM 1 student (French degree in General or Extensive Training in Medical Sciences), you may complete a two-week full time or a one month part time project in almost any country, except countries for which a travel warning has been issued by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in French).

As a DFASM 3 student, you may spend two weeks abroad on a personal project or on one of the University of Bordeaux partnership programmes (except in countries for which a travel warning has been issued by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in French)). The list of partnerships is available in the Carreire campus Mobility Office.

Step 1: prepare your project

Prepare your project by attending the information meetings organised by the International Office and your academic mobility coordinators.

For personal projects (in both DFASM 1 & DFASM 3): contact the hospitals and universities of your choice in order to obtain an agreement in principle (initially, an email exchange with a doctor at the chosen institution is considered as an agreement in principle).

For partnerships (DFASM 3): check to see if there are existing partnerships that might interest you.

Step 2: submit your application

Submit your application on Apoflux (in French) before 30th November.

Download the following supporting documents:

Step 3: after the selection process

1- Confirm your mobility period on Apoflux by 8th December at the latest

2 - Draw up and sign a three-party internship contract between yourself, the host institution and the University of Bordeaux. This stage of the procedure is done with the admissions office at the University of Bordeaux Faculty of Medicine (ground floor, Bldg 5D).

Learn more (in French)

Contacts: Mobility Offices

  • Health sciences, human sciences, education, sports

    Carreire and Victoire campus
    146 rue Léo Saignat, Bldg AD (Ground floor)
    Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs: 9:30 am-12:30 pm / 2-5 pm // Fri: closed

    +33 (0)5 57 57 13 01 / 45 04

  • Law, political science, economics, management, Institute of Technology

    Montesquieu campus
    16 avenue Léon Duguit
    Tues & Fri: 9:30 am-12 noon // Wed & Thurs: 1:45-4:30 pm

    +33 (0)5 56 84 29 39 / 86 39

  • Science and technology, biology, Institute of Vine & Wine Science, Institute of Technology

    Peixotto campus
    351 cours de la Libération, Bldg A37
    Mon-Thurs: 9 am-1 pm / 2-5 pm // Fri: 9 am-1 pm / 2-4:30 pm

    +33 (0)5 40 00 83 33 / 69 50

Getting ready for your mobility programme: a few tips

To make your stay abroad successful, you need to prepare carefully. Financial aid, administrative documents, health coverage, residence permit, etc.

Plan your stay abroad

Travel regulations

To date, travel between France and foreign countries has been reopened according to procedures that vary depending on the health situation in third countries and whether or not travellers are vaccinated. Due to the circulation of the COVID-19 virus and its variants, every entry into and exit from France is restricted but not prohibited.

The country risk classification (in French) determines whether you need to request an authorisation from the Security and Defence Officer.

Check the travel advisory (in French) and Ariane (in French) websites.