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Updated on: 03/03/2025
Would you like to carry out an internship at the University of Bordeaux? You can, but make sure you allow at least 3 months to complete all the procedures!
International students (Bachelor or Master level only) can carry out an internship at the University of Bordeaux in one of its various entities: research units and laboratories, training components or the central administration.
All students wishing to carry out an internship in France must be registered with their home institution for the duration of the planned internship, and sign an internship agreement (specific to the University of Bordeaux) before their arrival. The University of Bordeaux internship agreement is required and is the only valid document for incoming students, even if the home institution has provided its own document.
Send your application directly to the entity of your choice:
You should prepare a Curriculum vitae (resume) and a cover letter.
If your application is accepted and you have received an internship offer, you must complete the online form.
The internship agreement is mandatory and must be signed before the start of the internship. It must be established with your internship supervisor at the university.
For non-European students who require an internship visa, the University of Bordeaux will apply for a work permit. Presentation of the signed internship agreement and the work permit are required by the French Consulate in your country of residence when you apply for an internship visa.