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Updated on: 21/02/2025
With its selection of international Master programmes, the University of Bordeaux offers you a unique opportunity for high-level education 100% in English, and the guarantee of multicultural academic and personal development.
This international Master programme is dedicated to international business management with a specialisation in geopolitics and intercultural management. This generalist programme has a strong analytical focus and aims to understand the global business environment.
This international Master programme provides students with a broad understanding of key and current economic issues in international affairs, and in-depth knowledge of practical European and international business skills and practices in a stimulating and enriching multicultural learning environment.
This international Master programme focuses on introductory management, law, accounting and finance. Courses are taught entirely in English by visiting European and international professors as well as faculty staff.
This international Master programme provides both theory and practical knowledge for management within the international environment.
This international Master programme provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of analytical control of plant-based drugs and health products.
This international Master programme offers specialisations that meet professional needs in: benefit assessment of medicines, medicine risk identification and quantification, medicine benefit-risk assessment, medicine and public health, medicine risk communication along with an “A la carte” track.
This international Erasmus Mundus Master programme offers a truly integrated study programme that takes advantage of the tourism and oenology expertise of three universities and regions of Europe.
This international Erasmus Mundus Master programme offers a high-level, interdisciplinary academic programme focusing on the raw material value chain with particular emphasis on recycling.
This international diploma offers training in engineering sciences focused on careers in aircraft life cycle management. It takes place in English and is done internationally through the implementation of two semesters: the first semester takes place in France in Bordeaux and the second in the United States in Cincinnati.
This international Master programme tackles the challenges of health maintenance and food security, providing students with advanced knowledge and methodologies related to medical and agricultural sciences.
This international Master programme provides a study and research track in pure mathematics with a strong focus on algebra, geometry and number theory.
This international Master programme integrates plant biotechnology and agrofood technology within course content in order to deal with innovation challenges in agriculture.
This international Master programme provides training in the modelling, analysing, designing and implementing of organisational, technical and software application solutions.
This international Master programme specialises in neurobiology and biotechnology, providing high-level, interdisciplinary neuroscience training with an emphasis on innovative e-learning methods.
This international Erasmus Mundus Master programme covers a wide range of methods used in image processing and computer vision, guaranteeing highly qualified graduates in this field.
All students from the "NeuroBIM", "Multipublic" and "Regular" courses follow this exclusively English-speaking Master 2 in order to best prepare them for internationalisation.
This international Erasmus Mundus Master programme provides high quality teaching in general oceanography with a specialisation in marine environment (ecology, ecotoxicology, biochemistry, geochemistry, sedimentology, paleo-oceanography) and living or non-living marine resources.
This international Erasmus Mundus Master programme offers a unique interdisciplinary and integrated training approach to normal brain functions and diseases.
This international Master programme provides a unique interdisciplinary and integrated training approach that covers all major topics of brain research, from normal brain functions to brain disorders.
This international Master programme focuses on the fundamental aspects of physical chemistry and then leads on to specialised topics so that graduates may be integrated within both academic and industrial fields.
This international Master programme provides a comprehensive training, from the design and synthesis of polymers to their engineering, processing and use.
This international Master programme combines studies and research based on transfers, fluids and materials in aeronautical and space applications.
The University of Bordeaux Graduate Programs combine training and research around thematic specialties. From Master to Doctorate, obtain international scientific expertise.
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