International curriculums

Updated on:

These courses include teaching in foreign languages, international internships or mobility periods in a partner university.

Photo : The Périgord campus has a dedicated space for international students © Gautier Dufau
The Périgord campus has a dedicated space for international students © Gautier Dufau

Economics, management and business

University Technical Diploma - Marketing, sales and communication

Vocational Bachelor Degree - Intercultural management with a global perspective

Vocational Bachelor Degree - International management of sales projects

Vocational Bachelor Degree - Purchasing

Bachelor - Droit parcours international

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Bachelor - Economie gestion - International Track

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Magistère - Sciences économiques

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Master - Corporate finance

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)  

Master - Droit

Website (in French)

Master - Droit public franco-hellénique

Full description (in French)
Website (in French) 

Master - Finance quantitative et actuariat

Website (in French)

Master - Management et commerce international

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Executive Doctorate in Business Administration

Full description (in French)


Master - International education and training

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)


Master - Santé Globale dans les Suds

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)


Master - Psychologie du travail, de l'orientation et des organisations

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Master - Psychologie - neuropsychologie et neuroimagerie cognitives

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Science and technology

Biobased chemistry, international Bachelor degree programme

Full description (in French)

Biology, international Bachelor degree programme

Full description (in French)

Chemistry, international Bachelor track programme

Flyer (pdf)

Chemistry, international Bachelor degree programme

Flyer (pdf)

Computer science, international Bachelor degree programme

Flyer (pdf)

Engineering science, international Bachelor degree programme

Flyer (pdf)

Mathematics, international Bachelor degree programme

Flyer (pdf)

Physics & chemistry, international Bachelor degree programme

Flyer (pdf)

Physics, international Bachelor degree programme

Flyer (pdf)

Postgraduate diploma - Agronomy of plants with health benefits

Flyer (pdf)