Double degrees

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Agreements signed with universities around the world make it possible to follow a course leading to a diploma issued by all of the partner establishments.

Photo : Welcoming international students © Gautier Dufau
Welcoming international students © Gautier Dufau


Master - Anthropologie des dynamiques et du développement

This second year Master 2 programme is more specifically oriented towards the analysis of social dynamics in developing countries. Students are placed under the dual direction of lecturer-researchers from the two partner universities and will graduate from both universities if successful.

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Website (in French)

Economics, management and business

Bachelor - Management science

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Website (in French)

Postgraduate diploma - Etudes de populations et statistiques sociales

This University Diploma is offered entirely online and allows you to strengthen your skills in the processing and analysis of social and demographic statistics for the study of human populations.

Full description (in French) 
Website (in French)

Master - Economie internationale : économie, banque et finance internationales

This double Master degree offers students the opportunity to complete their training in international economics with courses focused on international business. Three semesters are taught at the University of Bordeaux and one semester at the University of Verona.

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Master - Etudes d'impacts environnementaux

By training national and foreign experts in environmental impact studies and regional planning using tools and methods from various disciplines (geography, economics, law, engineering sciences, etc.), this course combines multiple skills in terms of analysis and intervention capacities in the field.

Full description (in French) 

Master - Intelligence économique : économie de l'innovation et veille stratégique

This distance-learning Master 2 course prepares for careers in strategic intelligence and technological intelligence within companies and administrations.

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Master - Intelligence économique : ingénierie du développement économique territorial

This programme is focused on tools for the analysis and management of territories differentiated according to the configuration of spaces (urban, peri-urban, rural, coastal, tourist, natural, productive, intermediate or more specific).

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)


Bachelor - Droit, parcours franco-allemand

The Franco-German Bachelor in Law / Deutsch-französischer Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.) Economics and Institutions is a course that allows students to obtain, after three years of study in France and Germany, a second degree, the German Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), in addition to the French law degree.

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Website (in French)

Master - Droit des échanges euro-méditerranéens

The Master in Euro-Mediterranean trade law has the final objective of training high-level lawyers specialising in international law issues and who, through their precise knowledge of the economic and political issues of relations between Europe and the Maghreb, may aspire to high-level positions in companies, administrations and international organisations.

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Website (in French)

Master - Droit des relations transatlantiques

The purpose of this Master programme is to acquire a high level of knowledge of the laws applicable to transatlantic relations and the ability to understand, practice and produce on this theme independently.

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Website (in French)

Master - Droit public approfondi

This course is intended for students who have completed a first year of a Master degree in law and who have obtained 60 European credits (ECTS).

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Master - Sécurité globale : analyste politique

Upon completion of this programme, students will master analytical methods and will have knowledge in several areas of the social sciences and law to take advantage of an analyst's skillset. English is the 2nd language of the programme and student analysts must choose a 3rd language among nine on offer.

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)


Master - Sciences de la vigne et du vin

This programme aims to train senior managers in the wine sector who can integrate into farms, organisations, industries, companies and academic laboratories in the sector, to carry out management, trade and marketing activities, environmental management or research and R&D.

Full description (in French)
Website (in French)

Doctorate - Oenology & viticulture - OENODOC

This international doctoral programme was created by a consortium of partner institutions from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Chile and South Africa.


Science and technology

Bachelor - Biology

Upon completion of this course, students will obtain two diplomas: a French Bachelor in life sciences from the University of Bordeaux and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in biology, biomedical sciences or microbiology.
Graduates can pursue the Master programme of their choice in the fields of health or ecology.

Flyer (pdf)

Bachelor - Géologie

Upon completion of this course, students will obtain two diplomas: a French degree in Earth sciences issued by the University of Bordeaux as well as an American degree in geology from Northern Arizona University.
Graduates will be able to join the Master of their choice in oceanography or geology.

Flyer (pdf in French) 

Master - Biodiversité, écologie et évolution : écologie - sciences forestières

Full description (in French)

Master - Ingénierie des systèmes complexes : ingénierie des systèmes pour l'image et le signal

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Website (in French)

Master - Nutrition humaine, santé et sciences des aliments

This Master programme trains high-level personnel for research in human nutrition and/or innovation in the development of products with health value. It also trains technical executives in charge of scientific and technical communication in nutrition and food. The international course leading to a double degree with Université Laval requires students to complete 45 ECTS at the partner university, including 30 ECTS for an internship: in Quebec for French students and in Bordeaux for Quebec students.

Full description (in French)

Master - Toxicologie et éco-toxicologie : écotoxicologie et chimie de l'environnement 

This international programme is taught by experts from the University of Bordeaux and the INRS in Quebec.
At the end of the training, students obtain two diplomas: a Master degree in water sciences with a thesis (pathway in aquatic eco-toxicology) from the INRS and a Master degree in chemistry or toxicology and eco-toxicology from the University of Bordeaux. 

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