Exams & knowledge and skills assessment

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Students enrolled at the University of Bordeaux participate in exams in accordance with the Exam Charter and the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Procedures (Modalités de Contrôle des Connaissances et des Compétences - M3C) established by the committees of the various components and the Commission for Education and University Life.

The different types of exams

Continuous assessment
Regular assessments throughout the teaching period: oral and written exams, questionnaires, homework, projects, etc., with specific rules established by the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Procedures.

End-of-term exams 
Overall assessment of what has been learnt at the end of the teaching periods: written exams, practical lab work, internship reports, dissertations, etc., also governed by the M3C.

In all cases, strict rules apply, including the obligation to complete the work alone, to use authorised materials only and to avoid disrupting the exam to ensure it runs smoothly.

Examination fraud

Any behaviour that aims to give a student an unfair advantage during an exam constitutes fraud. This includes using unauthorised materials, such as mobile phones or tablets, as well as any form of communication with another person during the exam. The disciplinary body at the University of Bordeaux is qualified to deal with any act that may constitute fraud or attempted fraud during a continuous assessment, an exam or a competitive exam (concours). Plagiarism also falls within its remit.

Plagiarism, which is considered a severe breach of academic ethics, involves the unauthorised use of someone else’s work by claiming it as one’s own. This may involve reproducing a text, a graphic, data, a computer programme, an image or artistic creation without indicating the source. Plagiarism is characterised by simply “copying and pasting” someone else’s work or presenting an author’s ideas without properly crediting them. Even when reformulated, the original source must be cited.

Possible penalties

In the event of fraud, attempted fraud or disruption of exams, the student may face disciplinary action. The disciplinary body may impose various penalties depending on the seriousness of the offence:

  • Exoneration: the student is not reprimanded.
  • Warning: the student receives a warning.
  • Reprimand: the student is reprimanded for their behaviour.
  • Accountability measure: the student has to carry out voluntary work outside of class hours.
  • Temporary exclusion from the university for up to five years, possibly with a deferral if the exclusion does not exceed two years.
  • Permanent exclusion from the university.

Furthermore, any penalty, whether or not it is deferred, results in the cancellation of the exam in question, and the disciplinary commission can decide to cancel other exams or all of the student’s exam session. Any disciplinary action remains in the student’s file, but warnings, reprimands and accountability measures can be removed after three years if no other penalty is issued during this period.

More information

The exam schedule is set every year by the heads of the colleges, schools or institutes concerned and indicates the different exam sessions planned. The dates are announced - with each department defining the means of notification - at least 15 days before the exams begin.

Instructions for the exams 

  • Arrive at the examination room at least 30 minutes before the start of each exam, with your student card or original valid photo ID.
  • Follow the specific instructions provided by the organiser in terms of how the exam will proceed.
  • Store your personal belongings as instructed by the organiser.
  • Special arrangements can be made for students with specific needs, but certain conditions apply.
  • For more information: PHASE office.


Exam Charter (in French)

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Anti-plagiarism Charter (in French)

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View the M3C of each training programme (in French)