Submitting a request for administrative review

Updated on:

To submit a request for an administrative review, follow these steps.

Submit a request for an administrative review

  • Provide your personal details : Full name, address, and contact information (phone and email).
  • Specify the type of review:
    • For an admission-related review: Mention the program you have completed or wish to enroll in, the requested level, and how you applied (Parcoursup, MonMaster, eCandidat, Candiut, other) along with your candidate or student number.
    • For other decisions (examples: grade report, diploma, scholarship notification, etc.): Specify the program you have completed or wish to enroll in, the requested level, and how you applied (Parcoursup, MonMaster, eCandidat, Candiut, other) along with your candidate or student number.
  • Write the letter in French.

How to argue for an administrative review

Your request for an administrative review should include:

  • Necessary elements for reviewing your request.
  • Well-founded reasons for the initial contestation.
  • Supporting documents.
  • Any relevant information to facilitate the review.

Submitting a request for administrative review

You can submit your request for an administrative review via email or postal mail :

By Email:

  • Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (INSPE) :
  • Collège droit, science politique, économie et gestion (DSPEG) : 
  • Institut des sciences de la vigne et du vin (ISVV) :
  • Collège santé :
  • Collège sciences et technologies (ST) :
  • Collège science de l'homme (SH):
  • Institut universitaire de technologie (IUT) :
  • Institut d'administration des entreprises (IAE) :

By Postal Mail (registered letter) :

  • Université de Bordeaux - Demande de recours gracieux - 351 cours de la libération - 33400 TALENCE

Your request will be processed as soon as possible. If there is no response to the request for administrative review, the initial rejection decision stands.

If your request for an administrative review is denied, you can file a contentious appeal with the administrative court.