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Updated on: 29/01/2023
The University of Bordeaux has a policy of academic and scientific cooperation founded on close collaboration with research organisations, other higher education institutions in Nouvelle Aquitaine, and a group of international partners, in particular within the ENLIGHT European university.
The University of Bordeaux has established solid partnerships with a wide variety of higher education and research institutions.
Four research organisations are particularly committed to the University of Bordeaux, within the framework of a long-term strategic partnership: CNRS, Inserm, INRAE and Inria. Like the "University of Bordeaux Inria Centre" created in 2021, they contribute to the university's scientific performance and to its national and international influence.
Initiatives aimed at renewing the dialogue between science and society are led jointly with the different scientific partners and with Cap Sciences, the centre for scientific, technical and industrial culture.
As the main multidisciplinary research organisation in France, the French National Centre for Scientific Research conducts research in all scientific, technological and societal fields. The CNRS is active in all the major fields divided into ten national theme-based institutes.
In the Aquitaine delegation, thanks to its fifty co-supervised laboratories, the leading areas are: composite materials and systems; chemistry; optics and lasers; neuroscience and medical imaging; biology – health; information and communication sciences and technology; archaeology; political science; law and economics.
The National Institute of Health and Medical Research is the only French public research organisation entirely dedicated to human health. In 2008, it was placed in charge of the strategic, scientific and operational coordination of biomedical research. The Nouvelle Aquitaine delegation is involved in all scientific areas in the field of human health.
INRAE is France's new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment created on January 1st, 2020. It was formed by the merger of Inra (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) and Irstea (National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture). The INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux centre conducts innovative and targeted research in the fields of plant sciences, ecology and environment, human and social sciences, neuroscience and nutrition.
The French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology has been a driving force in digital research and innovation in France and Europe for over 50 years. Its 200 project teams - most jointly run with major research universities - boast more than 3,900 researchers and engineers who explore new paths, often using an interdisciplinary approach and in collaboration with industrial partners to meet demanding challenges.
The University of Bordeaux's Inria Centre focuses on three main scientific priorities: high performance computing and big data convergence; machine learning and digital health.
The University of Bordeaux is a founding member of the Udice association, which brings together the ten most research-intensive French universities.
Visible on the international scene, together these institutions have a 75,000 staff members and 385,000 students. Udice strives to be the voice of higher education, research and innovation with regard to the public authorities.
It also aims to offer a French counterpart to similar organisations in Germany (U15), the United States (Association of American Universities) and China (C9 League).
Visit the Udice website
Association and partnership agreements with institutes of higher education on our campus sites encourage the joint project sponsorship, teacher exchanges and the development of clear and attractive programmes for students, particularly in their first year.
The institutions associated with the University of Bordeaux are Bordeaux INP (Polytechnic Institute), ESTIA Institute of Technology and Sciences Po Bordeaux.
Its main partners also include: Bordeaux Sciences Agro (Institute of Agricultural Sciences), ENSAP Bordeaux (French School of Architecture and Landscaping), CEA / Cesta (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) and IFREMER (French Institute for Ocean Science).
In the field of health, the University of Bordeaux cooperates closely with the Bordeaux University Hospital (CHU), the Bergonié Institute and the Charles Perrens Hospital.
The University of Bordeaux also has a regional coordination agreement with its partners: Bordeaux INP, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Bordeaux Montaigne University, University of Pau & the Adour Region as well as La Rochelle University.