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Updated on: 29/01/2023
Equality, diversity, vulnerability, health, quality of life at work, social cohesion and access to culture are all challenges that must be met if societal transitions are to be successful. On its campus sites, the University of Bordeaux has made a commitment and is rolling out a variety of measures to help the entire community.
Equality and diversity - Signature of the RESET project (2021) - Adoption of the new Disability Master Plan 2021-2026 - Adoption of the new Equality Action Plan 2021-2024
Vulnerability (social action) - Switch to paperless procedures for student social assistance - Creation of a department specifically dedicated to social action - Improvement of prevention and detection of vulnerable situations
Health, quality of life while working and studying, social cohesion - Implementation of the Law on Student Guidance and Success (in French) - Dissemination of a remote work charter (in French) - Conduct of surveys on remote working conditions - Provision of resources for managers to facilitate new working practices - Dissemination of the housing guide (in French) and roll-out of a dedicated platform - Installation of socially-responsible food trucks on campus
The range of social benefits includes aid for:
Visit the dedicated section on the staff portal (in French)
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